Positively Empowered Hypnotherapy - Hypnobirthing - Reiki

Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis and Hypnobirthing can help you: -
Achieve a calm pregnancy, a calm birth, a calm mum, calm birth, calm baby
Helps overcome fears and phobias and anxieties
Toxic relationships - see blog
Changes your thought process to a more positive outlook
Stop Smoking - get healthier, breathe more easily
Develop a healthier relationship with food
Help with eating disorders
Take control of your eating
Love yourself unconditionally
Create the future that you want
Let go of past hurts and resentments
Let go of toxic relationships
Stop negative self-talk - improve Self Esteem
Achieve Calm release anxiety
Increase self-confidence and self esteem
Achieve goals and dreams
Heal emotional pain, past present and future
Let go of grief
Past Life Regression - heal your karma
Inner child therapy - learn to love your inner child
Stop the habits that are causing you distress
Break addictions, emotionally or physically
Hypnobirthing courses are held at Bromham, Bedford or in your own home
Hypnobirthing workshops are held monthly in Bedford, Bromham
Meet your Hypnotherapist - Elizabeth

Elizabeth is a qualified Hypnotherapist, a member of the National Hypnotherapy Society and a qualified K G Hypnobirthing teacher. KGH training is recognised by the Royal College of Midwives. In addition to being a Hypnotherapist, Elizabeth has been a Reiki Master for over 20 years offering Reiki treatments and teaching to master level. During sessions I work with a combination of Hypnotherapy, Counselling, NLP and affirmations. All of these therapies complement each other to help you bring about change quickly and easily
Is anxiety ruining your life? Causing you problems meeting people and stopping you moving on. Hypnotherapy can help you make the changes.

Unhealthy relationship with food? Hypnotherapy can help you change your eating habits and the way you think about food.
To find out more about Hypnobirthing, Hypnotherapy or Reiki,
or to book a consultation in the Bedford area:
Telephone Elizabeth
07966 093577