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A fully qualified hypnobirthing teacher to meet your needs

Why Hypnobirthing?

Intensive Hypnobirthing Course evenings and weekends - dates to be confirmed each month. - 3 sessions each lasting 2 hours each, Free MP3s, all course material and free hypnobirthing practice sessions via zoom   - £225


Positively Empowered teaches the KG Hypnobirthing way, which is a complete in-depth antenatal training programme designed to release fear and build confidence during birth.


You are investing 9 months of love, care and the best choices to grow your perfect baby, why wouldn't you invest a little more to ease your baby's journey into the world with you. I watched my first grand daughter come into this world in a very medicalised way. I found my own daughter had not been taught how to breathe and relax and at that time I felt the birth process was harder for mothers than it had been when I gave birth to her 20 years before! I later trained as a hypnobirthing teacher and I have had the honor to work with over 100 couples teaching them hypnobirthing to date.  I am proud to know that each one of these babies has had a much calmer, controlled and happier entrance to the world than they would have had, and our mums and dads have had wonderful experiences of giving birth.

Benefits of natural birth

Length of labour is often much shorter with hypnobirthing births. You are likely to experience a more comfortable and sometimes pain free birth. Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended.

Recognised approach

The KG Hypnobirthing training course is recognised by the Royal College of Midwives. It is the original UK hypnobirthing course and offers the highest quality training.

Private or small groups

Some mums and partners learn best on their own; others prefer learning in groups. New classes are held every momth and you can choose the environment that works best for you.  Whether you prefer 121 in your own home, or a small personal group or learning via zoom, Elizabeth will work around you to your times and dates.

The complete programme

The course is a complete antenatal training programme. It is simple, logical and profound. It is much, much more than a few techniques.  Hypnobirthing makes a difference to the birth for you, your baby and your birth partner.  (Birth Partners are very important to our hypnobirthing mums and have their own role both in the practice and at the birth.) Your baby hears your partner's voice and when you practice together your baby gets to know your partner's voice in a very tuned in personal way.  This helps the bonding process when your baby is born.  I have a wonderful recording of a baby who is minutes old responding to her father's voice when she heard it.  Your baby and your birth partner will benefit from the practice that you will do together and will recognise your partner's voice in a much more personal way. You will learn to release fear and trust your body and instinct. You have nurtured your baby for 9 months throughout pregnancy, why wouldn't you want to learn how to bring your most precious miracle into the world in a calm and controlled way.  If you have only ever watched 'one born every minute' or 'call the midwife' or any of the other drama on the television, or only ever listened to negative birth stories, how will you act during labour?  Classes are held every month and can be held in the comfort of your own home, in a group setting or via zoom. This course is a complete in-depth course to give you all the tools needed to achieve a successful hypnobirth.  Groups are kept small with no more than three couples. You will receive full tuition, MP3s for you to listen to and practice with, a book and all supporting material.  You will also be able to join in FREE weekly hypnobirthing meditations each week via zoom for the duration of your pregnancy.  Birth partners are very important with our hypnobirthing mums, as birth partners are the continuity of care.  They are actively encouraged to attend the sessions.  The course consists of three sessions, each lasting approximately 2 hours each. The course is held in Bromham Bedford. The cost of the course is £225 per couple.  What memory do you want to create of your baby's birth after all you will only do this a few times during your lifetime, so why not make it the best possible experience for you and your baby that you can?


As an alternative to the complete programme are face-to-face and video conference workshops. These can be arranged privately or part of a small group.  This workshop covers  breathing exercises that are used during hypnobirthing and lots of compact information as to how to have a successful hypno birth.   Workshops are held each month, usually on the  3rd Sunday of the month at 10am in Bromham, Bedford and last for 2 hours.  This hypnobirthing workshop covers all the salient points of hypnobirthing. You will receive a free MP3 recording and supporting paperwork.  The cost of this hypnobirthing workshop is £90 per couple and booking is essential as these are small personal groups.

Benefits of Hypnobirthing for Your Baby and You


  • You are likely to experience a more comfortable and sometimes pain free birth.

  • Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended.

  • Length of labour is often much shorter with Hypnobirthing births.

  • Less drugs and medical intervention are used in Hypnobirthing births allowing your baby to develop naturally and easily after they arrive.

  • Mums often bounce back quicker after a Hypnobirthing birth as the physical impact of giving birth is reduced.

  • Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth. A truly shared and loving experience.

  • The benefits to you are obvious, but the long term benefits to your baby cannot be over-estimated.

  • We repeatedly get wonderful birth stories of Hypnobirthing babies being calm, content and sleeping really well. They seem to thrive better. It may seem miraculous but this is how Hypnobirthing is designed to be.

One lovely mum Hannah talks about her hypnobirthing journey and birth with Elizabeth

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